Quality assurance


DOCTOR NET makes efforts in five areas to achieve a strict quality control system.

  1. Setting forth and putting in place a reporting policy to achieve and maintain high levels of reporting quality.

    DOCTOR NET sets out and puts in place a reporting policy for radiologists and strives to achieve higher levels of reporting quality.

  2. Having teleradiologists with more than eight years of experience and who passed Doctor Net's screening interviews and tests perform the reading and interpretation services

     The radiology specialists Doctor Net contracts with possess more than eight years of experience in reading and interpretation of diagnostic images.

    Furthermore, our team is made of professionals who passed screening interviews and diagnostic image intepretation tests, and meet the criteria we set out for quality control. Upon receiving a service request, Doctor Net matches every image content with its respective subspecialty, assigning the most appropriate radiology specialist for the image interpretation.

  3. Operating within a report check framework to ensure high-quality readings.

    The reports are checked by physicians and radiologists employed by us on a full-time baisis. Doctor Net has put in place a framework under which the teleradiologist who carries out the preliminary reading is requested to re-read, whenever deemed necessary to do so. 

  4. Performing a re-reading free-of-charge whenever there is a doubt in the preliminary reading or an additional reading is required.

    Doctor Nets carries out re-readings free-of-charge whenever there are doubts arising out from reports or additional readings and interpretations are required. When a re-reading is required, our medical advisor performs a review and provides a feeback to the teleradiologist. Furthermore, our team of twenty medical advisors performs thorough QA and QC assessments by carrying out accuracy controls and requesting feedback reviews to our clients.

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  5. Obtaining Privacy Mark and the ISMS certfications.

    • We treat personal information securely and are accredited by the PrivacyMark System.

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    • ISMS認証マーク

      Doctor Net's ISMS-certified offices and departments: Service Department, Tecnology and Development Department, and Quality Assurance Office

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