Teleradiology service by diagnostic radiologists
Tele-RAD is a remote diagnostic image interpretation support service that remotely receives medical images (CT/MRI) and diagnosis requests from medical institutions, and then returns a diagnosis report. Being Japan's largest board certified diagnostic radiologist platform, diagnoses are provided quickly and with high precision. Requests are matched to their subspecialties, allowing the creation of high-quality radiology reports.
Six features of Tele-RAD
1Japan's largest platform of radiologists
Of the 340,000 doctors in Japan, only around 6,000 are board certified diagnostic radiologists. Doctor-NET has approximately 1,000 radiologists registered on its Tele-RAD service, 15% of all. Of these specialists, 70% have at least 10 years of experience after earning their specialist qualification.
2Service available at any time
By combining our regular service with the 24/365 service to cover nighttime and holiday needs, requests can be made at any time.
24h / 365days
Monday to Saturday,
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Times other than the above
Regular service
Weekdays and Saturdays
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
12 p.m.
on the next business day
Emergency service
Weekdays and Saturdays
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Within 2 hours
after receiving a request
24/365 service
Weekdays and Saturdays
from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. on the following day
All day Sundays and holidays
Within 1 hour
after receiving a request
Next morning service
Weekdays and Saturdays
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
9 a.m.
on the next business day
Note: Only CT or MRI images are accepted. Note: There are system and server maintenances once a month.
3Vast variety of offerings
Doctor-NET has Japan's largest specialist radiologist platform and a proprietary teleradiology system, making it possible to handle requests involving special testing or cutting-edge equipment.
A wide range of disciplines accepted
Respiratory medicine
Bone and Soft Tissue
Nuclear radiology
Wide range of modalities accepted
MMG(Including tomosynthesis)
A wide range of tests/checkups accepted
Chest and
Lung cancer CT
Colon CT
Brain images
DWIBS (Diffusion-weighted whole body imaging with background body signal)
Coronary CT/MR
4High-quality reports and thorough quality management framework
Seven measures taken to ensure high-quality reports
Report policy
- Doctor-NET has its own report policy to maintain a high quality, and ensures that all registered radiologists understand the policy.
Radiology testing
- All radiologists are tested before they are registered on the platform.
- Based on proprietary evaluation criteria, they are evaluated on their ability to create reports that adhere to the report policy.
Cases matched to radiologist's specialty
- The results of the radiology tests also identify each radiologist's specialty.
- An appropriate radiologist is chosen for each case.
Extensive peer reviews
- Doctor-NET's has 50 radiology technicians to spot errors and other issues before reports are submitted.
Fast response to re-diagnosis
- Free-of-charge re-diagnosis provided for clinical questions related to the report (with a radiologist who submitted the report)
Feedback to radiologists by medical advisors
- Ten medical advisors for each discipline regularly create quality management reports.
- Advisors provide feedback to the radiologists with points of improvement.
Doctor-NET has developed a feature to prevent important findings and checks from being missed.
- Reports with important findings have alerts that prevent radiologists from forgetting to check them.
The alert also notifies medical institutions, ensuring that image diagnosis reports are checked.
5Highly user-friendly system and service design
The system for making requests is designed for ease of use and ease of understanding.

6Reassuring security management and support framework
SECURITYHigh security standards
Doctor-NET is ISMS certified, and is committed to strengthening its information security. We also have PrivacyMark certification as part of our personal information protection measures, so you can make requests with ease of mind.
MAINTENANCEProtection/maintenance by proprietary technology
Our proprietary system means that when an issue occurs, it can be swiftly handled remotely. Support can be given from our protection centers across Japan. (Partially outsourced)
SUPPORTOperator support for requests
Twenty or more operators are available at any time, allowing proper support even for emergency requests. We handle and respond to requests and manage delivery attentively, so you can trust us with your requests.
System/service expandability to respond to various needs
The Doctor-NET service is well-designed, allowing integration with its other services.
Teleradiology services for checkups by clinicians
Using Tele-DOC with Tele-RAD allows for various combinations of board certified diagnostic radiologists with clinical specialists, ensuring quality diagnostic image interpretations.
Introduction flow and fee structure
Introduction flow
Service briefing
Estimate / Preliminary on-site survey
Network infrastructure preparation / Installation work scheduling
Terminal device installation / Network check
Start usage
Preparations for preliminary on-site survey
- Internet network
- Contracted provider status
- Clinic internal LAN
- Location to install request device
- Linkage to internal systems or equipment of clinics
Fee structure
First time
Fees of device integration and system integration
Monthly payments
Base monthly fee
Reading support service fee (per request)
Optional fees
・Provisioning Service
・24/365 Service
・First thing in the morning service
・Web report service